Meet the Owner + Pups
Meet the Owner + Pups
Growing up I was the youngest child out of my sister and I. With a 5 year age gap, we didn’t always get along. My Rottweiler, Prince, was always there for me. We were lucky enough to spend 15 years together. Prince was an energetic, sweet boy, who was overjoyed to see anyone who came in the door. He loved treats, playing ball outside (even though he wasn’t good about bringing the ball back. He wanted you to chase him around the yard to get the ball.) This is where I found my love for dogs, all because of my childhood dog Prince.
At age 17, I was in my senior year of high school and purchased my first dog on my own, Torque (T for short). He has the sweetest personality and is such a kind-hearted boy! He’s got the cutest ears, playful, and loves his momma!
Torque had stolen my heart, and was truly my pride and joy, but I knew I wanted one more dog, so when I decided to move to my own home T would have another pup to play with. At this time we lived with my parents and their two dogs, Skye and Stormy. At 18 I got Chevelle (Velle for short.) She is a sweet, loving Rottweiler. She reminds me of Prince daily. The summer after graduating high school, I moved from my parent’s household to my own home. That fall fate brought Duck a one year old golden retriever into our lives. He has filled our hearts with so much joy and is the perfect fit with his bother T and sister Velle. Duck is the sweetest boy and has the best personality! He was the perfect addition to our lives, and I love the three of them more and more each day.
About the Company
Every day, millions of individuals use candles and fragrances inside their homes, but have no idea how deadly it is to their pets. Two years ago, I came across an article stating an unfortunate event- a once perfectly healthy pup had passed away in it’s home due to high fragrances in the household. After spending not even five minutes on Google, I found numerous similar stories. Not only were these stories heartbreaking, but were filled with talk of cancer, severe allergies, and even death… all surrounding candles and fragrances within the home.
Since that time, I have spent the past two years customizing and creating the perfect product- a candle that is 100% natural, with no toxins, additives, or harmful ingredients. In fact, most of our candles actually provide health benefits to your pups! Did you know many contents of modern day candles can be found in e-cigarettes, gasoline, paint, rubber, tobacco, diesel fuel, and even… deceased bodies? As a pet owner, I always want the very best for my pets. The best life, the best toys, the best treats, and the best health, which is why I took matters into my own hands.
High paw to you for choosing pet friendly products!
- Maya, Torque, Chevelle & Duck

High paw to you for choosing pet friendly products!
There's no time for feeling ruff.